Convert from Bopomofo Gwoyeu Romatzyh MPSII (numbers) MPSII (tone marks) Pinyin (numbers) Pinyin (numeric HTML entities) Pinyin (tone marks) Tonally ortographic pinyin (TOP) Tongyong (numbers) Tongyong (tone marks) Wade-Giles Yale to Bopomofo Gwoyeu Romatzyh MPSII (numbers) MPSII (tone marks) Pinyin (numbers) Pinyin (numeric HTML entities) Pinyin (tone marks) Tonally ortographic pinyin (TOP) Tongyong (numbers) Tongyong (tone marks) Wade-Giles Yale
Universal conversion table by Taffy. Programmed by Stephan. Special thanks to post comments and bug reports here, on Forumosa or send an email to