Luxembourg’s got a shiny new shopping blog

good idea from istockphotoLuxembourg’s CLC (commerce association) has gone web 2.0 and launched a blog at to promote Luxembourg as the “pôle” for shopping in the greater region. Interestingly, the blog is available in French and English only. German speaking visitors can still admire the pictures. Let’s see how this one evolves (remember blogdelux, another Vanksen Culturebuzz project?).

Apparently, some sort of Luxembourgish product and retail store search engine is in the works, too. The idea seems to be that you enter the product and it tells you where you can find what you want in Luxembourg and why you shouldn’t drive to Trier instead. Just kidding about the Trier part. 😉

BTW, the young woman chewing on her shopping bag on is file number 3563163 from iStockphoto [affiliate link].
Happy shopping!

Note: This blog here has moved to a new server at Hosteurope [affiliate link] (and has been updated to the latest version of WordPress), please let me know if something’s broken.

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